Docker Networking Guide


2 min read

Docker networking enables communication between containers and the outside world. Let's explore the different types of Docker networks and their use cases.

1. Bridge Network (Default)

The default network driver in Docker. When you create a container without specifying a network, it automatically attaches to the bridge network.

# Create a custom bridge network
docker network create my-bridge-network

# Run container in custom bridge network
docker run --network my-bridge-network nginx

# Inspect bridge network
docker network inspect bridge

Key characteristics:

  • Containers on the same bridge can communicate

  • Provides network isolation

  • Supports port mapping to host

2. Host Network

Removes network isolation between container and host, allowing containers to use the host's network directly.

# Run container with host networking
docker run --network host nginx

Use cases:

  • Maximum performance required

  • Container needs direct access to host network

  • Network security is handled at host level

  • No port mapping needed as container uses host network directly

3. None Network

Completely isolates a container from the network.

# Run container with no networking
docker run --network none nginx

Best for:

  • Maximum security requirements

  • Containers that need no network access

  • Batch processing jobs

4. Overlay Network

Enables communication between containers across multiple Docker hosts (used when implementing docker swarm)

# Create an overlay network
docker network create -d overlay my-overlay-network

# Run service using overlay network
docker service create --network my-overlay-network nginx

Ideal for:

  • Docker Swarm deployments

  • Multi-host container communications

  • Distributed applications

Network Management Commands

Essential commands for managing Docker networks:

# List networks
docker network ls

# Create network
docker network create network-name

# Connect container to network
docker network connect network-name container-name

# Disconnect container from network
docker network disconnect network-name container-name

# Remove network
docker network rm network-name

Network Security Best Practices

  1. Use Custom Networks
# Create network with custom subnet
docker network create --subnet= secure-network
  1. Isolate Sensitive Services (docker compose setup)
# Docker Compose example with network isolation
      - frontend
      - backend
    internal: true

Troubleshooting Network Issues

Common debugging commands:

# Check container networking details
docker inspect container-name

# Test network connectivity
docker exec container-name ping another-container

# View network logs
docker events --filter type=network

# Check DNS resolution
docker exec container-name nslookup hostname

There are two more networking options: MacvLAN and IPvLAN which are for advanced use cases, please refer this link for further information.
