Fundamentals of Objects in JS
is a non-primitive data type in JavaScript which consists of key-value
pairs. Objects are mutable in nature, we will discuss about this in a minute. Every time we use {}
(open and close curly braces) syntax we create a brand new object, let us look at the proof of this statement in the following image.
The keys of the object are of String
type and case sensitive for example:
let person = {
age: 27,
Age: 200,
In the person
object both the keys are valid and JavaScript does not throw an error.
The value of the keys in an object can be of any data type.
let objectWithUniqueType = {
string: "string",
number: "number",
boolean: true,
weirdOne: null,
lessWeirdOne: undefined,
functionType: function () {
return 'hello world!'
object: {
name: 'I am an object',
arrays: [1,2,3,4,5],
rarelyUsed: Symbol('I am a Symbol'),
Accessing object values
We can access the objects values in the following ways:
Let us access values from avenger object.
const avenger = {
name: 'Thor',
ability: 'Thor can use lighting :zap:️ to save people from danger',
location: 'Unknown',
famousDialouge: function () {
return 'Bring me Thanos!!:zap:️:zap:️:zap:️:zap:️:zap:️'
The format we follow for accessing object values is objectName.key
assuming there is a valid key, if the key we are trying to access is not defined in an object then we would get the value undefined
// "Thor"
// undefined
We can use objectName["key"]
syntax for getting values from an object as shown in the code snippet below.
// "Thor"
// undefined
In this blog we have covered the basics of objects in JS, in the following blogs posts we will look into the nuances of objects and how we as developers can leverage the features of objects while building applications.
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